Max playing with his car. If you click on it you can see his tongue out making the "bbbbb" car noise. I just LOVE this boy!! What a smile! Tia riding Abu the camel at the zoo. Tyler wouldn't do it. Zoo Hugs. Is there ever a bad time for hugs? Too cute.
Tia with her Mac-N-Cheese Click on the picture and you can see the fish Tia caught! Here's the set up. New tent and everything. Here are some pictures from the Daddy-Daughter Camp out our church does. Let me tell you Tia was one excited girl!!!! She thinks tents and s'mores are about the best thing ever! I don't know who's child she is because I HATE camping.
So yesterday was totally crazy. We got an appointment with the social worker for tomorrow to do the post adoption follow up. So, we thought the court date would be continued another day. Well, at 9:45am I was walking out of the lab from getting Max's blood drawn for thyroid levels (never fun) and my phone had 5 missed calls from my hubby telling me they want us at the courthouse at 10am! So, I drove there not knowing which building it was in. My husband rode his motorcycle to work so I couldn't call him to get directions. After carrying Max into 3 different places (with a broken toe), we found it. We sat there with our attorney for almost an hour. I felt bad because neither Kevin or I was dressed to be in a courtroom for an adoption. After waiting for so long the judge decided he wouldn't hear our case until all the paperwork was present. Sigh!I guess what happened was that the attorney asked for the case to be rescheduled and then called later and asked that we be allowed to do the testimony part of it and just be mailed the certificate when the paperwork was complete. The attorney from the District office told our attorney that the judge was new to adoptions but that he himself has done many and that is the way it works. Well, the judge did not do that. The worst part is that they rescheduled our hearing for December!!! Good grief. It will be ready next week and just sit there until December. After that I had to run home, feed the boys and then go to the school to get Tia for early release. Today was also the day to pick up the cookie dough for the school fund raiser. So, I got that, drove home and realized they forgot some of my order. So, I drove back to the school and completed the order. Then came home, showered and headed off to parent teacher conferences back at the school. Those went well.
Tia's teacher really likes having her in class and is surprised how well she is doing. Her writing is coming along well and she is doing great in reading. She has never missed more than one on her spelling test. Tyler's teacher says he's stubborn and funny and doesn't talk much at school. He cracks me up. He talks a lot at home so I don't know why he doesn't at school. His favorite funny word right now is "Buns". Every time he is drawing a picture and I ask what it is he says, "Buns" and laughs hysterically. It is so funny that I can't not laugh. His laugh is SO contagious. We are in trouble with that guy! Some day I will have to record it so you can see how funny he is.
So tomorrow was supposed to be a great day. Max's re-adoption day. He would finally be "Max" and he would have an English birth certificate with his new name. Well, as you can guess, there was a glitch. No one informed us, until today, that we need a post placement visit to show the judge tomorrow. Serbia does not require one until he has been here 6 months so we didn't even call an agency yet. Typing this two hours later: I called the agency and they can come on Saturday to do the visit. YEAH! So, it should only set us back a few weeks. I am glad because we can't bless him in our church until his birth certificate name matches his blessing name. Oh, and I broke my toe today. Nice! It is swollen and black and blue. I'm glad it is still sandal weather here for a while. My friend said my warranty must have just run out because last week I tripped in the car while re-buckling Tyler, who unbuckled his car seat as Kevin was driving. Anyway, I hurt my knee doing that and now my toe. What a dork I am!
I have been married to my wonderful husband for 13 years. We have 4 children. All of our kids have Down syndrome. Three of our children were born into our family and the youngest is adopted. Our oldest son passed away when he was a year old and we miss him very much. We have a unique life and I love being a mom!! My family is my joy!