Saturday, April 19, 2008


No word from Serbia yet. I am just planning in my head, to leave May 3rd, to be there May 5th. But, we bought a minivan!!! Thanks for all the advice ladies. We bought a Honda Odyssey and I love it! It says it's "Slate Green" but it's really dark gray. Thank goodness because I'm not a fan of green. Sorry mom (her favorite color). I am so happy to have a place to put all 3 car seats. My kids think it is their new toy and climb all over it. It is taking a bit longer to get anywhere thanks to that. I hope the novelty wears off soon for them. Anyway, I love it and can't wait to fill it up! :-0


Andrea Roberts said...

We have an Odyssey too, I love mine!---Andrea Roberts, Reece's Rainbow Down Syyndrome Adoption Ministry

WheresMyAngels said...

How exciting. My father called me last week to say he was going to buy another van and what kind I had heard was good. I told him the Odyssey. I would of liked one, but all I could afford was a Caravan, only little did I know that even though it was brand new, it would break down all the time and I could of afforded an Odyssey after all! Grrrrrrr!! lol

WheresMyAngels said...

oh forgot to add that my father bought one, not sure what color!! lol

Mommy and Peepers said...

We just bought a new van too, grand caravan. I can't wait to follow your adventure to your new son. We are hoping to adopt Maja, the almost 3 year old. So give her a hug for me. You'll be in our prayers.